The NEW SHOOTER Seminar will include the following topics

Gun Safety
Proper Gun Storage
Types of Firearms and their parts
What to expect at the gun range
What will you need at the range
Proper cleaning of your weapon
NRA training courses

Retired Cumberland County Sheriff Deputy will be available 

to answer any legal questions or concerns

    The seminars will be presented by a Certified NRA Instructor and Range Safety Officer:

    Saturday Sessions

    Morning Seminar, from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm 

          Afternoon Seminar, from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm 

          Seminars will be held in the Country Store (located just inside the front gate)

          The Seminar is open to all ages and FREE admission, but PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED !!

          Call Don @ 847-721-6835 to register